Monday, August 30, 2010

Meatless Mondays??

I know a couple of you follow a vegetarian lifestyle, but since a two-year stint in high school, I have been a pretty dedicated carnivore.

Back in my vegetarian days, I did it all wrong. I was terrible at getting the right amount of protein and tended to use it as an excuse for "extra cheese."

Nowadays, I am much more educated about nutrition and still think that vegetarianism just isn't for me. But then I read about Meatless Mondays and got to thinking about lessening the amount of meat I eat. Sure, I'm not big on the red meats (though I did have steak for dinner last night) and rarely have more than 4 ounces of meat a day anyway, but I've been interested in beans and other forms of protein so much, that the idea of Meatless Monday intrigues me.

Meatless Monday is a non-profit initiative of The Monday Campaigns, in association with the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health. We provide the information and recipes you need to start each week with healthy, environmentally friendly meat-free alternatives. Our goal is to help you reduce your meat consumption by 15% in order to improve your personal health and the health of the planet.

Presidents Wilson, Truman and Roosevelt galvanized the nation with voluntary meatless days during both world wars. Our intention is to revitalize this American tradition. We’re spearheading a broad-based, grassroots movement that spans all borders and demographic groups. By cutting out meat once a week, we can improve our health, reduce our carbon footprint and lead the world in the race to reduce climate change.

Since Kevin had to work late today, I decided today would be the day I started. I was sitting on a bench during lunch this afternoon planning the food I would cook tonight (Spinach Dal with lentils and Brussel sprouts!), when I realized I was stabbing a piece of leftover steak onto my fork. Oops. So, next Monday will be the day ...

I made the spinach dal and sprouts anyway, and will plan much better next Monday, but until then I'm obsessed with this idea: Grilled avocado with salsa. YUM! How beautiful is that??? And has many more equally appetizing recipes.

Hooray for Monday!

1 comment:

  1. That's great! More people should be so conscious of their diet. Even just one meatless day a week can have a huge impact on the environment.




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