Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday's Weigh In

Well, I lost a pound - yay!

But I'm sick - again. It's like I've been sick since starting this endeavor - and that's not good. There is no room for sickness in law school.

I've never been a fan of vitamin pills because I think a healthy diet should give us the vitamins we need, but I'm thinking of adding a multivitamin to my day.

I've got to do something. I'm making a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, but I'm open for suggestions.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A nagging sagging

A side effect of weight loss that I never really thought about before: My panties are too big!!!

It's the funniest thing, really. Since I haven't officially gone down a size in pants, it didn't occur to me that my underwear would stop fitting anytime soon. Afterall, I've worn the same size drawers my entire adult life, no matter how many times I've lost weight!

But alas, the elastic for my undies barely touches my waist! (And they are all relatively new - I try to buy new ones every other month or so, for hygiene purposes.)

It's most annoying at night. I roll over in bed and my panties stay behind. Then I get all twisted up! But it's annoying during the day too ... when I'm walking through the library and feel my undies inching their way down. The only way to fix it is to dig inside my pants and hitch 'em up. Try doing that subtly in the stacks!

Too bad I can't afford Victoria's Secret anymore ... off I go to Target for a multi-pack of Hanes!

P.S. Yesterday wasn't the greatest of food days, although I didn't go out to eat. I made soup at home, kind of from scratch. I used chicken broth, black beans, Spanish rice, corn, chicken and green chilies and my own spice mix of cumin, red pepper and chili powder. It was yummy, but I know it was insanely high in sodium. Also, I'm pretty sure I went over in my calorie allowance, but I don't want to calculate it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Check it!

Perhaps I should get back to studying ...

A sixth Lady!

Big welcome to Rose, a new Lady in Weighting!!!

Rose and I used to work together in Killeen. She was part of the girls who inspired me to research the concept of a Ladies in Weighting blog. Since I finally got it off the ground, I thought it only fitting to invite her!

I'll let Rose tell you all about her life and her goals.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

High Hopes

Ok, last week was a rough one for me. I was exhausted, sick, depressed and had a hard time fighting cravings.

This week, however, is already starting off better. First off, I went to the grocery store Thursday. I can't say enough about how important the grocery store is to feeling good and eating right - at least for me.

The thing I love most about having a house full of groceries is the control it gives me over my diet. I know exactly what is in everything that I make, you know?

Last week everything was out of whack. No groceries and no time to go shopping meant a lot of eating out ... I did my best to be good about it, but as I say, how do I know what happens in someone else's kitchen? At school, I ate a lot of salads for lunch ... and am now saladed out - and broke.

So, I left Kevin's house early and spent the evening unwinding. I took a nice shower, packed my lunch (finally cut up celery so I have fresh veggies!), prepped the coffee maker to start at 6:50 and have all of the readings ready for my classes tomorrow.

It's now 9:30 and I've got "50 First Dates" playing in the dvd player (best marriage proposal EVER!) and I'm sipping my sleepy time tea.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day and it will start a great week. I am (finally) getting my car registered Tuesday, working on a big paper Thursday and Friday and getting my class outlines going all week. I love feeling in control of my to-do list instead of it controlling me.

I hope everyone else is ready for a great week, too!!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bottomless Pit?

I have issues.

For some reason, today, my stomach was a bottomless pit. Seriously, at one point, I caught myself actually dipping my fingers into a cup of ranch and licking it off. Twice.

It was date night and I've had a horribly long and stressful week and I just couldn't be bothered being picky. But still I managed to order a grilled chicken sandwich (with pineapple, Swiss cheese and teriyaki sauce. I also had a side salad rather than fries. So, I did pretty well, I guess.

But then we went to the movies and I got a 16 ounce icee and small popcorn. Now I'm home and just ate an orange. And I can't forget the cookies that I keep munching as I walk through the kitchen.

My roommate made 6 dozen cookies for the homeless, took them to her students to decorate, hated the decorations and brought them home and set them on the kitchen table. There is no longer 6 dozen.

Seriously, one of you needs to intervene and lock me in my bedroom. Stat.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Catching up

I've been catching up from a month or so of chaos and my inbox is manageable, my tasks are getting accomplished, and dilemmas are working themselves out. I almost got coaxed into finishing more things, but know I must take a break and keep the activities diverse, so I stuck to my calendar and went running. I ran for :25, falling short of my :30 goal, but rode myself hard at a 6.5 pace. The treadmill says I went 3 miles, but I don't think that's possible. I think it must miscalculate distance because when I hit the trail, I swear it's only a mile for the same time.

During my run, I have all these revelations and thoughts about accomplishing things, which usually digresses into counting the minutes and time and keeping the run going.

What's more? I do believe I run again tomorrow. I think this is the most consistent workout I'll have had since we started this program. Maybe I'll finally lose a pound, but not if the peanut butter cupcake does any talking.


Oh my goodness.

I want a cookie.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To no real credit

I'm super encouraged by Natalie's measurements! Way to go.

I haven't measured, but will presume I have lost no inches. However, it's been a complicated month. I'm supposed to resume running tomorrow. A mile is about all the distance I'm managing, but I'll have to hit the treadmill as it's raining.

I really enjoyed reading Abigail's post and am sorry about the ankle.

So without adieu, I weigh in today at 153.5 … the first time. I was so excited, I weighed again after showering at 154. Doh. I cheated and weighed Monday at 156, so, I suppose that's better?

Yogurt and fruit has been awesome in the morning. I feel tired and my throat is still sore in the mornings. I'm down to little food. I think part of the key, is eating whatever I want as long as it is not eating out. Eating out seems so bad. I had Mexican food for lunch the other day :(. I'm making it a Whole Foods lunch tomorrow. The good news is that I'm catching up on all the "to do's." The bad news is that every time I get close to finishing my list, I freak out and feel directionless. I'm hoping the exercise can be sustained.

Tape measure and scale

I can take no credit whatsoever.

Yes, I didn't lose another pound, but I didn't gain any either! This, however, is only because I have been sick the past two days and haven't eaten much. Clearly it made up for my four days of BAD CHOICES.

I went ahead to tracked my measurements since it's been a month and feel pretty good after reading them.

Measurements taken September 21:
Weight: 195 lbs (sigh)
Waist: 40 inches (not sucking in)
Hips: 47.25 inches (junk in the trunk, much?)
Thigh: 28.5 inches
Upper Arm: 15.5 inches
Calf: 17.25 inches (a real target area for me ... I HATE my killer calves!)

Measurements taken today:
Weight: 191 lbs (on track is good, even if it's because I've been sick)
Waist: 37.5 inches (still not sucking in)
Hips: 46 inches (I've been playing catcher - lots of squatting)
Thigh: 28.5 inches (see above regarding the catcher gig)
Upper Arm: 14 inches
Calf: 16.5 inches (a real target area for me ... I HATE my killer calves!)

In guy world, losing 2.5 inches from your waist would mean you wear a smaller size ... but in girl world not losing anything in your thighs means you have to just tighten your belt.

I don't really know how they calculate overall inch loss. Do I get to say I lost 6 inches of body fat (if you add it up I did) in the past month?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Injury and Ben & Jerry's

So I've been a lax member of the ladies in weighting. I haven't been trying to lose weight. I haven't been working out. In fact, I haven't done a whole lot of anything lately. And here is why:

Three weeks ago Clod (my 7 month old boxer puppy) pulled me off the porch with his leash and I ripped up my ankle. A severe lower sprain, I couldn't walk very well for two weeks, it turned awesome shades of purple and yellow and just a few days ago I attempted running for the first time. I made it a mile. Which is depressing considering I was running 10 before.

Josh has bought me 4 pints of Ben & Jerry's in the last two weeks to ease the pain. I haven't gained any weight but have realized that I can't keep attacking those glorious little pints much longer. Or my ass will be the size of Utah.

And two days ago, Josh qualified for the Boston Marathon. I stood there at the finish line on Sunday freezing my catoozies off and crying as he made his time. And I realized that I need to get up to that point. I need to get my ankle rehab-ed and my ass back in shape. So I'm signing up to run the Burlington Vermont Marathon in May. Which means that the next month or so I'll be just working on strengthening my ankle, and then upping my mileage.

So if you ladies will please permit me a month or so to get back in the groove, I will once again resume my 20 in 20. But for now I need to concentrate on getting my ankle back. Then I'll lose all the weight you want.

Much love.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Damage control

Ok, the vacation is over ... and it's time to get back on track.

We just finished our fall break and, as I mentioned earlier, mine included a visit from my mom and one of her friends. As part of this, I found myself eating turkey barbecue, tandoori pizza, sweet potato chips galore and fried chicken. YIKES!!!

Then, I spent Saturday driving to Dallas for a wedding - enter road trip food (I tried to be good, lunch included Subway!) and a lot of caffeine. Add in the wedding food (wasted calories if you ask me!) and the wedding cake ... then the trip back.

Between worrying about Mom's visit, driving them around, the dash to Dallas, a late softball game last night and hours spent worrying about my diet, a serial rapist in the neighborhood, and the people from my past that might be at the wedding (but weren't), I am exhausted from my fall break. Is it any wonder I turned my alarm off this morning and didn't wake up until noon? Oops.

So, today I'm back to calorie counting. Egg whites for "breakfast" and coffee with fat-free creamer. Also, I am packing my gym bag and planning to check out the rec facilities at school tomorrow afternoon. I'll elaborate on that more tomorrow. Right now, I'm heading back to bed ...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vacation for whom? My Diet?

I am hosting a couple of visitors from Big D (Dallas) and am thrown for what to do diet-wise.

Basically, Mom and a friend are in town and I am showing them around. Kansas City is known for barbecue, so I took them to Gates (very famous for it's meat), first. I ordered a turkey sandwich and didn't eat the bun. However, I am guilty of eating about 10 fries.

For dinner we went to Grinders, a dive that has been featured on Food Network for it's Bengal Tiger pizza (tandoori chicken and crab smothered in cheese). The boyfriend was never willing to try it with me, but my mom and her friend were, so we split a pizza.

I used napkins to soak up as much grease as I could ... after ten napkins I gave up. At least it was good. I can't even begin to guess the calorie count!

I weighed myself this morning and, yes, I gained that pound back.

Mom is in town for two more days - then I am headed to Dallas for a wedding. Heaven help me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting back on track

What in the world have I been up to? Let's try a trip to Memphis for a nonstop conference from which I return sick with fever and sinus. I'm finally better today, with a night of rest to complete my wellness. Then, I can begin again and hop on the track, at least for a walk. I'm in no hurry to bring back the fever.

I only ate three meals in Memphis, two of which were fried chicken, but am thinking the stress and dehydration did not help my weight. Moreover, I returned to an astounding list of things. Among these were running around getting lights for photographing the governor today, holding an Executive Board meeting for AIGA, getting on track with emails, and watching my brother perform in the UT Orchestra.

I'm just now completing some of my work. One of my tasks has finally been pulled off my responsibility list, but the desk full of papers is evidence of chaos and I still have piles of my grandma's things in my house. The steam cleaner did pick up my attitude. I get quite depressed if my house is out of sorts, and it surely is. The laundry pile isn't contributing to positivity. I'll tackle it after I walk the pup.

I appreciate everyone's support and really hope I can effect change on my body. The pudge and battle of clothing was unappreciated today with the governor's photo shoot.

Mixed Emotions

Even though I lost another pound this week, I am bummed!

Three of my fellow Ladies have not lost any weight yet! Time for sister-support!

What I think is working for me:

Blog your weight away: I really think that this blog is big part of what's working for me. By constantly writing about my diet changes and choices, I am reminded of my goal. It is always there in the back of my mind. Feel free to blog as much as you want. It's nice knowing someone is there reading your struggles and offering tips and encouragement!

Be aCOUNTable: I've already offered the credit up to my new habit of counting calories. When I know I'm going to face a high calorie meal, like date night, I practice going low calorie in other meals or the days before or after. Just give it a try for a couple of weeks. I was really surprised at how it worked.

Second Nature Hike: While this is a huge part of my life right now, I'm hoping that it will someday be second nature. I really think that holding myself accountable through this blog (and my Ladies!) is part of the path I need to take to make this a natural lifestyle for me.

My first week showed no weight-loss and I'm sure that within the next 46 weeks there will other weeks of no-loss. I want this to be enjoyable for all of us. Joining this group was the first step. Now, let's hold hands and help each other reach our goals.

Do you have some small goals that can help you along your path? Is it fitting into last year's smaller jeans? Is it getting to buy new clothes? It is running your first 5k? Blog about it! Tell us that small goal and describe it as you go for it. You've got cheerleaders right here (and you know I love to cheer!!!)

Weigh to go, Team!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

It all counts

So, I started this thing hoping I could stop counting calories a month or so into it ... but now, I'm changing my mind!

I will admit that I am slightly calorie obsessed and have instructed the boyfriend to bonk me on the head when it becomes too annoying. However, I can't argue with the results. I have been consistently keeping my caloric intake below 1300 calories for the past 8 days. On weekends I let myself go to 1500 calories a day.

I truly suggest everyone try it out for a month. You will be surprised by how much you learn, not only about yourself, but about your habits and ways to create new habits.

What I use to track my calories

It really keeps me conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth when I track it after each meal! Plus, when I've gone a few days that week at, say 1100 calories, I know I can splurge a bit on date night (just a bit, of course!).

This week's date night took us to a local Mexican restaurant. I talked with the server, who also happens to be on a diet, as Renee suggested I do. She helped me by telling me the different ways I could order. I surprised her by ordering my veggie burrito with no sauce. She seemed genuinely concerned. But I explained that I planned to douse it in salsa - and it was YUMMY!

Saturday was my non-fat, fat-girl day. This means I stayed in bed most of the day watching cheesy romantic comedies and snacked. Instead of ice cream, however, I ate grapes. Instead of pizza, I bought Lean Pockets (but I didn't end up eating them). And I had baked tortilla chips and salsa on hand in case I got a salt craving - didn't want much of those either. Basically, the trick is to be prepared ahead of time so that you don't succumb to temptation or laziness.

Finally, Sunday was tailgate day! Bless the boyfriend for buying turkey brats just for me. The beer took me up, as did the gas station hot chocolate (nutrition info conveniently unavailable!) in my numbers, but overall, I think I kept it pretty reasonable (sauerkraut on brat - only 5 calories for 2 tablespoons!!!) Because the tailgate was before a noon game, I just grabbed a banana for breakfast and enjoyed the early lunch. Also, I know I burned a lot of calories cheering on the Cowboys!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My own 5k.

You girls are really inspiring me with all of this 5k talk!

My issue, however, is a bit silly.

If you were completely broke, would you take out a loan to sign up for your 5k? Everything I do is on loans. Based on my calculations, spending $25 to run a 5k will end up costing me ~$65 in interest and stuff (this is my new thought process about any money I spend in order to maintain financial fitness). So, I need a solution.

Here is my thought - I'm going to organize my own 5k!!! I'm going to set a date, invite my friends and take it from there. I know it won't go to a charity, unless others want to donate, but I am (sadly!) not in a place where I can feasibly donate to a charity right now ... OH WAIT!!! I've got it!!!

We run the 5k and make the end point a volunteer situation, that way we donate our time!!!

ABBY: Interested in this??? I know you have connections in the KC non-profit world!!! I think mid-December (after finals) will be the best time. What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bring on the 5k...

I have signed up for two 5k runs in November. Count that...1...2. They are both fundraisers for great causes. This is my first time running a 5k (that's 3.1 miles, in case you aren't a math whiz)...I've walked them before, but never ran. I think its a great motivator to get out and train. So far I've been running 3 miles at least 3 days a week. The idea that I have to do it in a big crowd with a lot of people watching will definitely keep me motivated to keep it up.

Weigh Day, week 3

Today is weigh day! I hope you had a great week. Mine was full of ups and downs, but it's all good because ....

I lost another pound!!!

I hope this endeavor is proving successful for y'all, too. I really can't tell you how excited I am that my friends from across the country are joining me in this. I really look forward to your blog posts and comments.

On that note, with the holiday season coming up wouldn't it be fun to share some recipes (diet friendly or not, I crave baking!)???

Here is yet another Hungry Girl recipe and I am dying to try it!!!!

Wayne's Pumpkin Smash

PER SERVING (1 piece, 1/9th of recipe): 65 calories, <0.5g fat, 81mg sodium, 12g carbs, 1g fiber, 7g sugars, 5g protein -- POINTS® value 1*

One 15-oz. can pure pumpkin
One 12-oz. can evaporated fat-free milk
1/2 cup fat-free liquid egg substitute (like Egg Beaters Original)
3/4 cup Splenda No Calorie Sweetener (granulated)
2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and mix thoroughly.

Place mixture in a baking dish (8" X 8" works well) sprayed lightly with nonstick spray, and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. (It will remain a little soft, like pie filling.)

Once ready to serve (it's delicious eaten hot or cold), cut into 9 pieces.

Serve and enjoy!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Signs of change

You can call me Droopy Drawers.

I noticed it as I was walking into school today. The crotch of my pants was hanging half way to my knees!

I'm not going to go so far as to say that I have already gone down a size, but maybe it's close! That is my first achievement: to fit into my cute size 14 jeans. I hate wearing my stupid Lane Bryant Plus Size Mom Jeans. Blech!

Looks like I'm on my way!!! Yay!

On a side note, the Laughing Cow cheese breakfast is not agreeing with me. I forget I'm lactose intolerant because I just naturally don't eat much dairy (save ice cream, of course). Well, eating cheese every day is proving a problem. Looks like it's time for another solution to the quick breakfast.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bready, set, NO!

So, I made a mistake in my food today ... you'll laugh, but trust me, there was meaning to my madness.

I went to McAlister's Deli for lunch today and, before ordering, asked to see their nutrition information. Yeah, they directed me to their Website. So, I was on my own and, well, didn't make the greatest decision.

I know it sounds weird, but I chose the BLT, no dressing. Why? Because even though bacon is high in sodium and each slice has about 3 grams of fat, it isn't too bad, calorie-wise. Ok, so where did I go wrong? The bread! It was 500 calories all by itself. How crazy is that??? I honestly didn't even think about it. I just ate the bread that was written on the menu.

Maybe I should print out the nutrition info for my common eateries. Couldn't hurt right? Also, I need to be keeping track of my calories throughout the day. Had I known how bad that bread was, I wouldn't have opened the beer I am currently finishing.

At least tomorrow is a new day and yesterday wasn't so bad!

Totals: 1,800 calories 245 carbs 49 fat grams 79 protein

Friday, October 2, 2009

Do I or Don't I?

So, it's the end of the night .. I'm settled in after a loooong day of school and judging a high school debate tournament. I've had less than 1300 calories and I really want ice cream.

So, I'm at a fork (no pun intended) in the proverbial road. Do I get ice cream, knowing it will only put me at 1450 calories, still below 1500. Or don't I?

I had four cookies today, so really, I've had my sweets (there was a hospitality room at the debate tourney - full of cookies and such. I'm proud I only ate four!). But still, I want ice cream.

I'm in my pajamas ... snuggled in bed, but I can't get the idea of ice cream out of my head.

I have another day of debate tomorrow - more hospitality room ... but it's in the morning and if I make myself breakfast before leaving, I should be able to resist.

So, really ... do I or don't I?

No appetite

Yesterday was a bad day. Not food-wise, but emotion-wise. Luckily, it wasn't a day when I tried to eat my sorrows away. Instead, my appetite disappeared.

This only happens during the REALLY, REALLY bad times (feeling better now, it was a brief episode brought on my female woes).

I lost 20 pounds last time - and when I came out of that downward spiral I discovered bones I never knew I had! Since then, I have found happiness again and have thus gained the weight back. But I look at the photos from that time and despite the ever-present frown on my face, I love looking at my body!

Most of that 20 pounds was lost because I went days without eating. Also, I smoked. A lot. And last night, I broke down and bought a pack of cigarettes. I only smoked 3.5, but felt pretty crappy about it. Of course, smoking affects metabolism and probably assisted in my weight loss last time. I don't plan on picking up the habit again, but I will admit it's tempting.

I can only imagine how great it will be when I've lost 50 pounds!

Totals: 640 calories 90 carbs 22 fat grams 38 protein

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Day 1. To quote Harry Potter, an excruciatus curse was executed on me. The first day out is both easiest and most painful. It is easy because you don't yet hurt from your previous day's exercise and hardest because you are fighting mental and physical limitations. Everything jiggles in all the wrong places and you are self aware of this plight and wonder how badly you look. Of course, if you think about when you see others working out, you never laugh or think, "Look at that person. They look awful." You instead commend them for exercising and perhaps feel a twinge of "I should be doing that."

I am a chronic see-saw exerciser. Each time I get aboard with a routine and return to a vaguely familiar figure, I roll back into my no less than intimidating schedule and am hit with some tragic need that pulls me away from exercising for months at a time. As I get older, this gets harder on me. It no longer takes the two weeks to return to a pristine shape. Instead, it takes months.

What draws me to Natalie's inspiring blog is that this is a real life program with a good friend who is committed to the same goal and acknowledges all of our many daily struggles. I'm going to be a little gender biased also and say that somehow, I feel our lives are far more complicated and stressful as female professionals. We are expected to work harder than counterparts, deal with the aftermath of counterparts, and all while multitasking our brains out.

I was on the road to becoming healthful with rigorous scuba diving, when I became the sole caretaker of my grandma while maintaining my already daunting schedule. The past month has been stressful and consisted of little physical exertion. I'm trying to maintain presidency of our local chapter of AIGA, the professional association for design and trying to remain well employed. I have a dog with a mind of his own, who must accompany me on runs in all the many directions he pulls in. That creates serious consequences to my momentum.

And so with that, I join the 50 in 50 group weighing in at 154 lbs with an initial goal to lose 20 lbs.


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