Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to School: Updated

Best first day of school EVER!!!

So many compliments about my new hairstyle and my weightloss.

I haven't stopped smiling all day!

Part of what makes me excited to go back to school, is the fact that I had an amazing summer. I don't have a single regret.

Some years, summer is a time of To-Do lists that never get done. But not this summer. It was jam packed and I still managed to finish 90% of my To-Do list. All that's left are a few little things like "wash car" and "close high school bank account."

This summer I worked a great internship, finished 7.5 hours of extra classes, walked 60 miles in 3 days AND lost 15 pounds. Oh, and I spent the past week organizing my house, scrubbing my basement, and finally getting to a few decorative things that were in the corners waiting for me to get "around to it." Stuff like "hand new curtain rod" and "put away gadgets" and "clear work bench."

That's part of why starting school is nice this year. There isn't a long list of things I should have been doing the past three months. Instead, I did it all and more. I can only give credit to the new-found energy of being healthier. I don't just sit around anymore feeling sorry for myself. I look at a curtain rod leaning in the corner and say, "That will take 15 minutes - let's do it!" And I grab my drill and am off.

I don't feel my usual end of summer regrets and I love it. I am excited to move into fall organized, healthy and happy.

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