Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dorito Taco Reviewo

I know, you've been dying to know what I thought of the amazing-sounding awesomeness Taco Bell has most-recently brought to usin the form of the Doritos Locos Tacos. Well ...


Seriously, super tasty! My only criticism is that the bottom gets soggy. Obviously they know this because it comes with a thin cardboard wrapper thing announcing the awesomeness in your hand. Basically, the Dorito shell is thinner than a usual shell so the grease (ew) from the meat soaks through pretty fast. The second taco (yes, I had two ... so?) had to be eaten fast to lessen the affects of thin-shell, high-grease. Next time, I'm going to try one with beans instead of meat and fresca style. That will help on calories, too.

Yesterday, I reported the Dorito Taco came in at 200 calories each, but I was wrong. That's for the supreme variety (meaning with sour cream), not the regular. Lucky for us all, the regular taco comes in at 170. So, two tacos for a meal is a mere 340 calories - which is pretty darn AWESOME. It only gets better if you go for fresca.

And yes, there was that lovely Dorito-dusted finger phenomena after. So. Freaking. Awesome.

Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm in (serious) trouble ...

Photo from
Seriously, the moment I heard about it, I thought I was dreaming. I started salivating and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Kevin was just mentioning it to a neighbor. He had no idea how life-altering the news would be for me.

I quietly waited an hour, but then I couldn't stand it. I had to see if the rumors were true. AND THEY ARE.

Taco Bell is officially serving Doritos Locos Tacos.

I'm not going to lie - I was scared. My love of Doritos is hard to explain. When I was a girl hosting slumber parties three things had to be present: Oreos, Dr. Pepper and Doritos. Always Doritos. The Nacho Cheesier, the better! Why was I scared? Because I know me. I can't resist the draw of that taco treat. I'm pretty sure that will be lunch tomorrow since I just can't stop thinking about it. And my fear, understandably, came from the nutrition facts. I can't say no - I have to try it. I can already see the ten pounds I will gain because this amazing awesomeness is available down the street.

I bravely clicked on the link for the nutrition facts, tense and ready to be heartbroken. But the angels must be shining on my waistline ... The taco is ONLY 200 calories - for the supreme. And you can order it fresca style! Oh man, oh man, oh man. That might be worse for me, come to think of it.

Maybe it will taste awful and I will be spared. One can hope.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm back! And so is my belly

I know ... it's been awhile since I blogged. And if you can't tell by the lack of posts, you could tell by my waistline. Yikes!

So here's the not-so-skinny from the past three months. Basically, I finished law school and took the Bar exam. Written in one sentence like that it doesn't seem like much, but man was it intense! The last month of law school came with finals and the pressure to do better than ever. I'd like to say I studied my butt off, but that would only be figuratively true. Oh, I studied like crazy, but my butt didn't even almost come off. Then, when I finished my last final, I turned my attention to studying for the Bar Exam. The next two months were spent binging and cramming 3 years of law school and 15 million pounds of peanut M&Ms into my mouth.

And now it's over.

And I gained 13 pounds.

I had to buy new pants - a size up - and have lost all ab sucking-in muscles.  My muffin top is world class and if I stand just so, I look pregnant. I call it my Bar Baby. I've been joking about taking maternity pictures.

But tomorrow is a new day with a new adventure! I start a temp job in the corporate world of cubicles and fluorescent lighting. It's at the world headquarters of a really big corporation and comes with a few perks - like a gym!

For the next three months, I get to wait on my Bar exam results, work an 8-5 job and enjoy free time. There is a little college graduation ceremony in there (though I graduated in Dec. the ceremony isn't until May). You know what that means? I get to put the majority of my energy into getting back on track with my weight. I couldn't be more excited!

Goodbye, Bar Baby!


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