Saturday, August 14, 2010

Looming deadline

The deadline looms -- only three weeks until the endpoint of me 50n50 journey -- and I still need to lose 10 pounds to reach my goal. Is it feasible for me to lose the 10 pounds in those 3 weeks?

In all honesty, I'm not completely certain it's advisable!

The point of 50n50 has been slow weight loss at a pound a week. Doctors and experts say that healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. Expecting myself to lose ten pounds in 3 weeks is not conducive to long-term success - and is the complete antithesis of what this has all been about.  Doing the math and applying all of the information I have absorbed since starting this journey, I think it's best to keep working towards that goal of 145, but extend the deadline.

This really bums me out.
1. I've never missed a deadline, and as a former journalist, that means something to me.
2. I've never started something I didn't successfully complete. Even my attempts at law school - the biggest gamble of my life at the time - ended in successful admittance. And the 3-Day training ended in success too!
3. I hate admitting I was wrong about something! That includes admitting I can't do something I said I could do. 

ARGH! I am so upset with myself. I can pinpoint the exact time I got in this mess: Last winter. From Thanksgiving through Christmas I didn't lose a single pound. Holiday foods, finals stress, visits home - I did the best I could, but it wasn't enough. I didn't gain any weight during the holidays, thankfully, but I got 5 pounds behind and I've never been able to catch back up.

Perhaps part of the mistake was in the design of the "program." Should I have allowed a couple of weeks extra? Should it have been 50n52? If I add two more weeks to my goal, and shoot for losing 2 pounds a week until then, then I can still proudly announce losing 50 pounds in a year, right?

Isn't this set-back part of the journey? The holiday season is something we each have to face year after year. Learning how to handle it without gaining weight is important! I proved during the finals session this spring (and summer) that I can attack that stress while still losing weight. So, I count that as a lesson officially learned!

There is no shame in how far I've come! I've lost 40 pounds, for goodness sake. And I just walked 60 miles in 3 days! I'm healthier than I've ever been and I feel better than I've ever felt. Sure, maybe I'm not 100% on track to weight 145 by Sept. 2, but damnit, I'm proud of myself!

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