Sunday, November 29, 2009

Slight derailing

So, with a pan full of left over turkey, I have been trying to find good recipes to hide that fact that it is the driest bird ever. On Friday, I made what I shall forever call Black Friday Pot Pie. I based it on the Hungry Girl Chicken Pot Pie recipe but used leftover stuffing and vegetables instead of crescent rolls and mixed veggies.

It was so tasty, I made it again Saturday!

However, last night and tonight pretty much ruined all of the work I put into cutting calories this Thanksgiving.

Not only have I just about finished all of Thursday's leftover macaroni and cheese (at 300 calories a serving, that is major derailment from the diet), but I ate waffle fries last night at the bar, and I went to CiCi's for dinner today! (By the way, CiCi's isn't as bad as I thought. I mean, I made it out of there only eating about 700 calories)

No worries, however, because I've made my lunch for tomorrow and am ready to get back on track!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

It finally feels like winter outside, which means the perfect running temperatures have gone the way of the colorful fall leaves. I've spent the entire weekend either shopping online or reading books for class. Tonight I got off my butt and pulled out my plethora of work out videos. Hmmm, what to, pilates, yogilates, weight training, many choices.

I recently got one from Netflix, Jillian Michael: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism ( Sounds pretty good, right? I tried it for the first time tonight. It is awesome. It totally kicked my ass, in a good way :) It keeps you moving constantly without concentrating on any one area for too long. My only problem was there was a lot of jumping, which is difficult to do in my 100 yr old townhouse without annoying the hell out of the neighbors. Jillian Michael (of Biggest Loser fame) has several other videos that I'm excited to try.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How Splenda saved Thanksgiving

As we all know, I hosted my first full Thanksgiving yesterday for my boyfriend and his parents.

I've been stressing for weeks trying to work out a good menu of foods they would like that wouldn't break my diet.

I did it too. While it was a lot of calories, I managed to cut pretty much everything in half, calorie-wise.

While planning, I asked Kevin if there were any dietary restrictions I needed to take into consideration. He said his dad watches his cholesterol and doesn't like red meat or cheese. Cool, wasn't planning to use any of that any way.

So, I planned the menu. For my diet and his dad's cholesterol I subbed out the eggs with substitute and used Splenda instead of sugar. I also bought I Can't Believe It's Not Butter (no cholesterol).

Menu planned, ingredients bought, I was rocking.

His parents came and suddenly, the spotlight was on me as his mom watched me prepare the meal in the kitchen all morning.

Just as a way of making conversation, I said Kevin told me there weren't any diet restrictions I needed to accommodate for the meal. Then, she told me something no new hostess ever wants to hear.

"Well, I have diabetes."


All I can say is, THANK YOU SPLENDA!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monthly Measurements

Measurements taken today:
Weight: 186 lbs (Still on track!)
Waist: 36 inches (still not sucking in - That makes a total of 4 inches!)
Hips: 45.5 inches
Thigh: 27 inches
Upper Arm: 14 inches
Calf: 16.5 inches

Progress in some areas, no change in others. But hey, I'll take it!

With softball over, my exercise level has dropped. Now that my big paper is finished, I'd like to say I can put more time to working out, but finals are right around the corner. Here's hoping once my finals are over I can really hit it hard and carry that into the new semester.

Measurements taken October 21:
Weight: 191 lbs (on track is good, even if it's because I've been sick)
Waist: 37.5 inches (still not sucking in)
Hips: 46 inches (I've been playing catcher - lots of squatting)
Thigh: 28.5 inches (see above regarding the catcher gig)
Upper Arm: 14 inches
Calf: 16.5 inches (a real target area for me ... I HATE my killer calves!)

Measurements taken September 21:
Weight: 195 lbs (sigh)
Waist: 40 inches (not sucking in)
Hips: 47.25 inches (junk in the trunk, much?)
Thigh: 28.5 inches
Upper Arm: 15.5 inches
Calf: 17.25 inches (a real target area for me ... I HATE my killer calves!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Calorie Count

So, I've been calculating things for Thanksgiving ....

This is what I can expect (gulp):

Turkey: 212 calories
Dressing (aka stuffing): 114 calories
Macaroni and Cheese: 340 calories
Sweet Potatoes: 124 calories
Steamed Corn: 50 calories
Green Bean Casserole: 65 calories

Baked Apples: 70 calories
Pumpkin Mash: 65 calories

Total: 1040

And that doesn't even include the appetizers, rolls, gravy or cranberry sauce!!!

BUMMER. I was hoping to keep it around 700 calories. Well, these calculations are for full servings. With this much food, I definitely don't need full servings!

Just imagine how bad it would be if I wasn't cutting down on the fattening ingredients?!? YIKES.

Good to know the calorie counts when I eat the leftovers too ... after all, Thanksgiving cheating should only be allowed for one day!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Diet Style

Ok, I'm ready to take on Thanksgiving.

Earlier this week I ironed out the menu and tonight dragged Kevin to the grocery store to get everything we need. It only cost $85 thanks to a great deal on the turkey.

My menu includes:

- Fat-free cream cheese, Pickapeppa sauce and reduced-fat Wheat Thins (not cheap, but EASY!)
- Veggie platter (courtesy of Kevin's mom)

Main Meal:
- Turkey (when I saw one for $5 I lost all of my arguments against making an entire bird rather than just turkey breast)
- Corn Bread Dressing
- Lean Green Bean Casserole (Hungry Girl recipe that I changed up a bit)
- Bunna's Macaroni and Cheese
- Steamed Corn
- Cranberry Relish
- Watergate Salad (also provided by Kevin's mom)
- Crescent Rolls: 100 calories each

Crustless Pumpkin Pie
Soda-licious Baked Apples: 80 calories each

Basically, I am substituting sugar with Splenda and eggs with egg substitute. I also ought bars of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, but they only save on cholesterol and saturated fat (and that's ok!).

I am trying to stick to my family's traditions without changing their flavors too much. Tomorrow I hope to sit down and calculate the nutritional information for each dish I'm making in order to know what I'll be eating Thursday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'll be honest - I kinda forgot this morning was a Weigh Day. But when I remembered, I was bummed.

"There is no way I've lost any this week," I said to myself as I took off the clothes I'd already put on for the day and stepped on the scale.

I was already beginning to draft my blog explaining my weight gain over the week: stress from a big paper, boyfriend drama, depression, a dinner of lasagna at my professor's house last night. You know, the usual suspects.

So, imagine my surprise when the scale said 186! 186? I didn't think it was right, so I stepped off and stepped on again.

Yep, 186. Maybe I was reading it wrong? I got off again and looked at the long lines compared to the short ones and marked what should be 186 then stepped on the scale again.


WOOHOO!!! By my calculations, this puts me ahead by a pound and that is handy with Thanksgiving being next week (MUCH more on that later).

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Recipes! Check these out!!!!!!

2-ingredient, guiltless foods!

I just made the soda-licious baked apples. I sprinkled some cinnamon and Splenda on top before I put them in the oven. The house smelled wonderful and they were pretty fancy for 80 calories!!!

Oh, and they tasted AMAZING!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Frustrated leads to motivated.

Due to my injury, workouts have been slow. And the last week I have ate everything in sight. Not sure what is making me want to devour the entire contents of my fridge and pantry, but alas it is happening.

Maybe I'm pregnant.

Just kidding.

Ankle rehab is a much longer process than I care to deal with. But I'm chucking along. Tomorrow I plan on running 3 miles. which would be the longest yet. We'll see if it lets me go that far. I don't have full range of motion/flexibility in it right now, or a lot of strength. I just need to start working out again everyday.  And stop eating like my 8% body-fat-have-such-a-high-metabolism-that-I-put-off-heat boyfriend. 

On a very positive note, I got the job of a lifetime and I start two weeks from Sunday. So now that I have a different schedule, a regular schedule, it is time to set my marathon schedule as well. After all May 30th will come sooner than I like... and I need to get my mileage way way up. Time to get my fat ass back in shape. 

Just in time for the holidays.

(PS... I'll make an official announcement of when I start back with the weigh ins. I'm guessing after Thanksgiving probably... the day I start my new job. Goody goody.)

What do y'all think?

So, as I was undressing for my morning shower I happened to glance in the mirror. Please understand, this is something I usually avoid at all costs. A full-naked body shot is enough to send me into a spiraling fit of depression that lasts weeks.

But today it was different. My body is different.

Sure, I'm not nearly where I want to be, but there are enough changes that I hardly recognized myself! So, because I looked so much thinner today than, well, ever. And because I was disappointed by yesterday's weigh in, I decided to pull the scale back out.

188!!! That almost puts me back on track. I will let y'all decide if I get to count it and update my numbers on the blog.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Working lunch

From Twitter: @EatThisNotThat

TWEAT THIS at Domino's: 2 slices of Thin Crust Ham & Pineapple Pizza for 310 calories & 14 g fat!

I m staying home today working on a BIG paper ... and was just thinking about lunch. Two slices of pizza is perfect for lunch, however, there isn't really anyone here to share the rest of the pizza with me. And I'm thinking about the temptation that will hit later in the day ........

But really, it's either that or Ramen. And the pizza has fewer calories!

A step back

I gained a pound this week. :-(

I'm a bit bummed, but not surprised.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You can do side bends or sit-ups, but please don't lose that butt...

Like my profile says, I don't own a scale, so I will be measuring my success in different ways. I thought about that the other night when I was getting ready for bed. My boyfriend said something along the lines of "where did your butt go, I liked your butt"...So, after singing a few versus of Sir Mix Alot's Baby Got Back...I decided that must be a sign of success. Those 3 mile runs must be doing something for my butt :)

Sizing up the situation

At the beginning of the summer, Kevin and I joined a softball team that Kevin found through a Craigslist ad. Softball has been something we've done together since before we officially started dating. It's not like you can go wrong with camaraderie, sportsmanship and a little physical activity!

Sunny, the Green Monsters coach, sent out an email for shirt ideas. I sent her to, a place I've used for softball shirts in the past. Sunny designed our "uniforms" and took orders for the shirts. I am familiar with the clothes CustomInk makes and know that they run a bit big (plus, I hate baggy t-shirts) so I ordered a medium.

The team all met just before the season began so that we could practice and see each other's skill levels. At that practice, we each paid $55 for our slots and shirts.

We were given our shirts at the first game. Sunny - a cute, skinny, bouncy cheerleader - brought me my shirt with words I will never forget. Handing me the medium I ordered, she said "I have a large left over if you want it instead."

Excuse me?

So, you can imagine my joy when I was handed a free shirt today and without me saying anything about my size, the girl looks at me and says "The smallest I have is a medium. Is that OK?"

I could have kissed her.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Paying for the weekend

Oh my goodness. I was bad this weekend.

I drank beer, ate REAL Doritos, made and ate authentic queso dip and even ate a dessert that wasn't low fat (Abby made it! And it was totally worth it!).

Basically, I fully expect to have gained a lot of weight this weekend.

It would have been worth it had KU beat K State. As it was, I just drowned my sorrows in bad food choices. Sigh.

At least the Cowboys won!!!


Here is some technical mumbo jumbo ... I am working on making some updates to the blog. Might even be moving it over to wordpress (all of our entries and comments will be moved).

I'm wanting an easier way to be notified when someone posts a new entry and when we get comments.

Any thoughts???

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I've lost two pounds and the life struggles have been present throughout this entire attempt to regain my physical well being. At first, I hit the track full speed, trying to work off the weight. My weekly run was pitiful and I really can't go full speed after no activity. That's how I got shin splints for a week. This week, I did go diving, but hadn't been diving in two months. It's one of those things I typically do very well. I failed miserably and was completely out of shape.

So, now what? I'm cutting back a tiny bit on the food. I'm not counting calories. That won't stick for me now. I do know I just need to eat less, so that seems to help. I can have a piece or two of fried chicken once, but I put back the third piece and let myself just be full. I'm back to drinking a bit more water.

I guess, baby steps are where I'm at with this. My life is too complicated and full to let my physically maintain drastic changes. My emotions are wild enough on their own to not be compounded with full out physical stress at the moment. I also am trying to be active in the sense that I get things accomplished and reduce that stress. This means walking to the capitol for the second half of lunch and not going to sleep at 9. And so, this is why I feel my 2 lbs are completely unearned. Here's hoping moderation will develop into momentum.

Wednesday's Weigh In

Jennifer and I both lost another pound this week!!!

And yes, Jennifer, you do deserve credit for it. If there was one time when you took the stairs instead of the elevator, or said no to an office cookie or chose the side salad over the fries - then you totally deserve credit for losing that pound!

I haven't gotten updates from anyone else in a couple weeks. Hope it's going well for y'all too!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I'VE GONE DOWN A SIZE IN PANTS!!!! How's that for maintaining motivation?

That means I've reached my first goal - WOOHOO!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Project: Good Gobble

I just had a thought. Since I'm all about small goals, I thought it might be interesting to focus our collective weight loss sights to the immediate future and concentrate on getting through the holidays.

We are all about to face the usual food challenges stuffed in the Thanksgiving turkey and Christmas cookies. However, this year is different for all us - we now have each other!

How about we each set a a goal to get us through the holidays? If we start now, we have 8 weeks of holiday wonders to endure. So, for Nov. 4-Jan. 6 I think we should each set up a plan to help us stick with our goals.

I don't want to miss out on the pleasures of pumpkin pie and egg nog, but I also don't want to negate the hard work I've put into the past 6 weeks. Since my overall goal is to lose one pound a week (duh), I think I can easily stick to it. That means I need to focus on losing only 8 pounds between now and New years - totally doable!

I will weigh 181 pounds on Jan. 6.

I'm going to continue with the calorie counting, but add in (some) more exercise to balance with the extra eating. I will also have to balance out my calories. Currently, I allow about 1300 calories Sunday-Thursday and 1500 on Friday and Saturday. However, for the holiday weeks, I am going to focus on the entire week, rather than each day. That gives me 9500 calories for the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years (how many calories are in champagne???). Again, totally doable!

So, what's your plan???

Interesting NYTimes blog from a couple of years ago that is somewhat encouraging ... sort of.

Totals: 1,390 calories 163.5 carbs 37 fat 109 protein

Hostess without the Mostest (calories, that is!)

At the risk of sounding like my mother, I can't believe it's already November!

With that comes the start of holiday dining. Yikes. Do you have a plan?

Luckily, I am hosting Thanksgiving for my boyfriend's parents this year (doesn't really feel like luck, but I'm trying not to freak out) and this gives me quite a bit of control over the menu. I'm not changing the name of any of the basics, but I will be cutting every calorie I can!

I am looking for recipes, so please, send 'em my way!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


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