Monday, September 13, 2010

Meatless Monday victory!

I planned it out this time and am proud to announce a successful Meatless Monday.

Seriously, we are talking 99.99% perfect food day. I hit my target for calories, carbs, and PROTEIN - I only missed my target fat range by one gram. Yay!

I'm particularly proud of hitting the protein range. Back when I was a vegetarian I doubt I got anywhere near the recommended 60- 120 grams. But not today.

For lunch I enjoyed a yummy egg salad sandwich (borderline vegetarian, but they are from cage-free organic-fed, local chickens!) and string cheese (Sargento has a 50 calorie string cheese, just so you know) and dinner featured hummus soup and grilled eggplant (my tomato topping featured Balsamic vinegar, however). Did I mention the hummus soup is a recipe I made up? Well you'll hear more about that later this week.

And yes, the eggplant was as good as it looks.

I'm already looking into recipes for next week. Don't these Cajun Chili Cups look wonderful? Since it's New Orlean vs. SF for Monday Night Football they really make a nice theme food. Add a little San Francisco treat and you've almost got dinner party food!

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