Thursday, July 15, 2010

5 n 1?!

As I stepped on the scale last Wednesday afternoon, I told myself not to get my hopes up, but I knew deep down that I was going to see a significant change. I know the goal of this blog is "50n50," and I plan to do just that. I am in no hurry to lose this weight. As I've been told before, I know it's the truth: "It didn't come on overnight, and it's not going to come off overnight." But when I saw the 2.3 kg change in my weight, I was ecstatic.

I joined a gym here in Korea about 6 weeks ago, and while you would assume that a person working out as hard as I do would begin losing weight immediately, I didn't. And here's why: While part of me was making a commitment, the other part wasn't quite ready to give up the junk-food lifestyle I had grown accustomed to. I was making internal excuses, like, "Oh, I'm working out so much, I can afford to eat this or that," and I was pretty much lying to myself. So while I wasn't gaining weight, I wasn't losing any either.

So as I was discussing Natalie's success with her, I went back and re-read her blog and realized that for her, tracking her calories was the key, so I decided I needed to do it to! And what a difference it made! All along, I had thought that if I saw what I was eating, I wouldn't be able to eat any of the things I wanted to or loved so much. But in actuality, I am just as satisfied, if not even more so, with the amount of food I have been eating. And once I got the eating under control, the weight just fell off!

I realize that it is not necessarily healthy or expected that I will lose this much weight each week. From here on out, I know it will be a struggle, but I accept the challenge and am ready for it. It feels really good to take control for the first time in awhile.

45 to go!


  1. Congratulations, Lindsy! That's a great start to keep you motivated. Welcome to 50n50!



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