Sunday, July 10, 2011

Not another round

I've really been crapping out this summer and for that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to y'all and I'm sorry to me.

Now that I've covered that, it's time to get my butt back on track. Somehow.

I'm back to weighing 152 on a consistent basis and thus back to being upset with myself. You'd think that would be enough to wake me up, and most times it is. But when it's not I really screw up.

Let's just say I've been having a really enjoyable summer full of a lot of ... adult beverages. Not daily, by any means, but it seems at least 3-4 times a month I can be found on the happy cloud with half a bottle of cherry vodka wondering what happened to the rest. Well, that has only happened once this summer. But you get my drift, right?

Take last week, for example. July Fourth involved 3 beers and a peach vodka and 7-Up concoction. To make up for it, I woke up early July 5 and walked 2.25 miles. Then, that evening, I mowed the lawn and walked another 2.75 miles (to get fro-yo, but still!). All was good. I had a lovely week sticking to my calories and adding exercise when I could. Then came Friday and a cook-out with friends. And 3 beers and (Skinny Girl) margaritas. Hello, backslide. 

I feel like I'm treading in scary waters - I don't want people to walk away form this post thinking an intervention is needed. This isn't that kind of cry for help.

If there is one thing I should be an expert at these days it's moderation. So, it's time to remind myself of my goals and not lose sight of the long term just because the moment is so tempting.

A drink here and there isn't a bad thing - but it's important to remember those drinks aren't free. Sure, MGD 64 only has 64 calories - but my tastes are much more refined than that!

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