Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My upward spiral

Since the beginning of May, I'm ashamed to say, I've gained weight. Maybe you noticed I haven't been updating the weekly Weigh Day information ... it's because I was on an upward shame spiral. Last week was the worst. I hit 152 when I stepped on the scale Wednesday. For my height, that's seven pounds overweight.

It's no secret that I've been stuck in a slump. All you have to do is look at the titles of my posts over the past few months to see how much I've struggled.

I shouldn't have let myself create this big finish line for a goal that wasn't my ultimate goal. Once I hit that goal weight, I let down my guard and it triggered a retreat of sorts. One that I really regret right now!

I'm angry because I worked so hard to lose that weight and gaining it back is NOT acceptable.  Plus, seven pounds up means seven more pounds to lose to reach my ultimate goal weight - and that's about 7 extra weeks! But I have to admit it's my own fault. All I've done lately is talk about my plans to lose more weight, but I've acted on very few of these plans.

As it happens, a friend came to me last week because she wanted help losing weight. She doesn't know about my recent struggles and it was nice to be with someone who sees me as a success story. It's the old adage - I'm my worst critic and I've been bringing myself down. I've been my own road block.

Sitting down with her, creating a plan for calories and meals and giving her my tips and tricks really reminded me of the basics that I followed not-too-long-ago.

I set out to help her, but I think I helped me in the process. I'm back to counting my calories and tracking how much water I drink. I'm monitoring my fiber intake (I noticed my system wasn't as regular as it used to be). I even went on a 3-mile walk last night with Kevin and Sadie last night. This morning, I stepped on the scale for Weigh Day and it came up at 148! I'm not even letting myself freak out because it means I've lost 4 pounds this week - I'm pretty sure it was water and waste thanks to getting my system back on track.

I'm not calling declaring myself cured - far from that. But this is a step in the right direction. Finally.

1 comment:

  1. Natalie is such an inspiration! I've struggled for two years and am incapable of consistency. However, I have found this new iPhone app (also a website) that does what Natalie already knows, shows me how to lose a pound a week! Finally, I hope to get in shape.

    The final moment was when the vet told me my dog needed to lose weight too :\



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