Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No Fuss, Just Us Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an interesting time when you are knee-deep in studying for final exams and 9 hours from your family (not to mention living on student loans). Basically, I don't have the time or money to go home. Two years ago, I hosted my boyfriend's family. Then last year we went to them for the holiday. (Search "Thanksgiving" on this blog for funny stories and low-calorie recipes!)

Past Thanksgivings have involved a lot of money, a lot of stress, and a lot of work. So, this year we have decided to stay home and have a Thanksgiving for two - "No Fuss, Just Us." We are even volunteering at a homeless shelter! And I couldn't be more excited.

In an effort to focus our Thanksgiving on simple things, Kevin and I are spending it with people who don't take it (or food!) for granted. Then, we are going home to have a lunch of turkey and ham sub sandwiches. After watching the Cowboys game, I'm going to throw a couple of turkey drumsticks in the oven and try to create my own version of a turkey and rice bake (If it's good, you know I'll post the recipe and pics!).

There are a few nods to the traditional Thanksgiving fare - the turkey subs made will be made with Hawaiian sweet rolls (my fave holiday bread) and I'm going to make my grandmother's macaroni and cheese and am excited about a sweet potato bread pudding I'm planning - but for the most part, it's going to be a day to relax and be thankful that we have each other.

And that's definitely a reason to give thanks!

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