Monday, May 16, 2011

Git' 'er done

My fridge has a to-do list magnet on it with paper notes below it for making lists. On it, my boyfriend wrote, "Too many things. See digital list."

Natalie tells me that it is an achievement in itself to maintain consistent weight. I'm mostly within the same weight as when I started this two years ago with Natalie. She has made significant strides and changes in her life and shown a great deal of courage and commitment. I have been caught with the rigors of life, unable to maintain consistency with any aspect of life.

I complete my term as President for the Austin chapter of AIGA, the professional association for design this month. This has been a rewarding and demanding experience, challenging my calendar in creative ways. I've had dozens of lunches and evening activities during this role and they're taking their toll on my body. I am always planning to get to that workout routine, but have yet to achieve this. So, in the midst of relationship turmoil, I created ME resolutions. I missed New Year's celebrations, so it seemed appropriate. I divided the upcoming time in to "quarters." Now, I near the end of the first quarter and look dimly on my achievements. Everything is in progress and yet to be achieved.

That does not mean my schedule was wanton for activity. Indeed, much has occurred. My mom started dating for the first time in twelve years, became engaged, and is now to be wed this weekend. I did start a company also, The Underwater Designer. I have done three trips under this company, Utah, Florida/Alabama, and Louisiana/Mississippi. Those have happened already, though the website is sorely needing updating! Again, not for lack of commitment, but rather because I have been tending to client work that developed from my initial launch.

And so, I move forward, hoping not to be too hard on myself, but rather give myself credit for what I have achieved and also to knuckle down on commitments in their respective priorities. I hope to at least establish a workout routine, finish a book I started a year ago, finish my big painting, get the poster for sale that is now finally complete and framed, and finish my current client project.

I turn 30 this coming July. This work will be done before my party as that is a set deadline. By then, perhaps my body will start agreeing with me and running will trim me back down.

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