Monday, January 3, 2011

28-Day Boootcamp? I'm in!

Did you make any New Year's Resolutions? For me, I set a big goal: This year I will run a half marathon ... on April 10, if I have my druthers.

The funny thing is, after walking 20 miles a day for three days straight last summer, 13.1 miles isn't that intimidating to me. Maybe it should be, since this will involve the move I hate the most: running. But if I learned anything in 2010, I learned that I am capable of doing whatever I set my mind to doing - so long as I plan and prepare adequately.

So, since the race I want to run is in 14 weeks, I've spent this morning coming up with a training plan for the half-marathon. Most of the plans I see online are 10-week plans for people who can run 3 miles without stopping. Because I have only done that once and it was months ago, I figure I need a bit more time.

My plan involves spending the next 4 weeks getting my body back into running shape. This, of course, involves training my brain that running does not mean Death himself is after me and is no need to panic. It involves reminding my heart that it's ok to pound a bit quicker for awhile. And reminding my lungs that they need to work while I run - the entire time.

So, imagine my glee when I saw a 28-day Bootcamp program in my inbox from Sparkpeople. Ladies, I forwarded it to you in case you wanted to join too.

I just finished the video for Day One and, um, yeah. I'm a lot more out-of-shape than I realized! But that's ok. With the 28-Day Bootcamp program, and cardio 5 days a week, I still think I can be running 3 miles by the end of January and then ready to build miles for the half-marathon.

The video was quick and really did get my heart rate going.  The dogs, watching the entire time, thought I'd lost my mind and were very concerned. But, I already feel like I accomplished something this year and that's all that matters!

Seriously, check out if you haven't already. It is GREAT for tracking fitness, counting calories, and reading healthy recipes. If you have joined, post your user name so we can find you! I'm Nallie01 and can use a few more friends on there.

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