Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Grr is me

Things aren't going very well for me right now. I'm tired, I'm frustrated, and for the first time since starting this journey I feel like I'm on a diet.

I don't know what to do to shake myself out of this funk, but something has to happen. I find myself wavering a lot. I start off doing really well and then I make a bad decision and another and another and before I know it a big snowball of crappy food is sitting inside my stomach. Actually, it's not all crappy. I have honestly learned new habits. What I'm fighting now is the occasional piece of junk and too much healthy stuff (like 240 calories of almonds today, on top of a doughnut - you see what I mean?).

I've been getting back in the habit of counting my calories and have done pretty well with that - but I've just been counting as I exceed my allowance so all it does is makes sure I know just how badly I screwed up that day.

I KNOW BETTER THAN THIS!!! I have to shake off this funk! Tomorrow's weigh day has me freaked out and I hate being in this position. I hate it.

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