Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting a jump start

Confession is good for the soul ... or in this case, the soles.

Since writing my previous post, I have been so ashamed with myself and my admission, that I've been working out just about every day! Sure, I'm not up to where I should be training-wise, but at least I'm off my seat and on my feet.

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I have a "virtual jump rope" and have been using it lots lately. If you don't follow me on Twitter, shame on you! I'm @50n50, look me up!

Say "Hello" to my little friend!
Anyway, my virtual jump rope isn't an imaginary toy. It's an awesome gadget that came as a gift-with-purchase when Kevin bought some workout thingie after Christmas. And I LOVE IT!

Literally, it is best described as two handles with strings and little weights at the end. You hold the handles like they were jump rope handles and swing the strings like they are attached as a rope. The Cardio Rope, as it officially calls itself, tracks time, number of jumps, and calories burned based on the weight you enter. Jumping for 10 minutes burns 100 calories. And I have a good burn going in my calves!

I don't just jump for ten minutes straight - I change it up and do different things with my legs: Criss-cross, high kicks, waist twists. The time flies (when a funny tv show is on) and my heart gets going. 

Last night I was even feeling it in my arms. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and while I admit I looked a bit silly, my arms looked insanely awesome. The handle and swinging motions, you see, make it an upper body workout too.I felt so good last night that I decided to do some push ups. Usually I do them girly-style because Kevin says I do them wrong the real way. But not last night. I did 5 perfect push ups - twice! Maybe ten doesn't sound like a lot, but my butt wasn't sticking up and my nose was a jut a few inches from the floor. They felt good and in my head they looked good too.

I'm already seeing better definition in my legs and I've been jumping for a few days now. But it's motivation enough for me!

Clearly, I just needed a jump start!

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