Friday, March 18, 2011

Weightloss Rehab

I have a tendency to run myself into the ground. I go and go and go ignoring all warning signs of exhaustion. I just keep fighting a losing battle with myself until one day I just can't move anymore.

Well, not this time.

As the past couple of blogs have shown, I nearing exhaustion with my constant worry about my weight. I've been thinking about it everyday for the past 18 months! It's almost become an obsession for me - the healthiness of which is debatable.

I need a break. Maybe even a form of detox! Clearly, I need Weightloss Rehab.

Since Spring Break is next week, I've decided to do just that: I'm checking myself into the Natalie Ford Clinic.

I'm going to let myself relax, rest, and just enjoy being me. I'm not counting calories, I'm not pre-planning meals, and I'm not weighing in. I'm not going to feel guilty about any food choices, nor am I going to justify, qualify or explain anything that happens to my body this next week. I'm just going to relax and be.

I will cook, bake, and have fun with foods. But I will also be active in some way each day. At the end of the week, I will take the time to reflect on my lifestyle and create a plan to start after my break is over.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's time for my break.

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