Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The suite life

As part of a research project for school, I am being escorted across McConnell Air Force Base tomorrow and given the opportunity to observe a court-martial proceeding. Considering this is right up Career Goal Alley for me, I'm thrilled.

Since McConnell is three hours from home, I had to drive down this evening and shack up in a motel. Imagine my excitement when I fell upon a deal for suite for only $65!!!

That's right, I'm blogging from the middle of a queen bed decked out in crisp white sheets and a million pillows. I'm glowing with post-bubble-bath glee and blasting the a/c so I can snuggle in the night.

Since this is a special ocassion of sorts, and the start of my birthday month, I went all out. I hit up the grocery store and bought food to make in my suite's kitchen. I was planning to splurge on Kraft Mac n Cheese, but decided a suite night deserved sweets!

I found some neat things at the grocery store for a single person watching their calories. Dinner was Campbell's Red Pepper Soup and Smart Ones' Ham and Cheese Scramble. In total, it was 340 calories and lots of protein.

Then came the sweets!

Skinny Cow has these great little single-serving ice cream cups that are only 150 calories so I gladly grabbed a Dulce de Leche flavored cup. Then, because it's a rare microwave-filled evening for me, I hit up the baking aisle and grabbed a Better Crocker Warm Desserts individual chocolate cake brownie bowl - also only 150 calories!

After my bubble bath I made dessert, poured a glass of nonfat milk and snuggled in bed with my goodies. Imagine my surpass when I couldn't even finish it all!

Sure, tonight involved a splurge, but I'm proud of how reasonable it was, you know? I was able to satisfy cravings and make myself feel pampered and special without feeling guilty.

I'll take that sweet life any day!!!

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