Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lavash lifestyle

Will the Hungry Girl inspiration never end???

Today's Hungry Girl email included a link to a "recipe" for Lisa's Crispy Lavash Squares with HG Hot Couple Dip. 

The link then directed readers to a website that sells the lavash - a 50-calorie flat bread that when baked longer turns chip or cracker-like. (Note: Mine looks nothing like hers. But I am fascinated by the idea of using it as a lasagna noodle substitute so I have to figure it out)

Of course, when I saw it was $3.50 a package, I decided to go on a recipe hunt. So. Super. Easy. I tweaked the recipe a smidge and created this lovely little gem. I need to point out that I have never actually had lavash so I have no idea if I made it "right." But I have had chips and pita crisps and this is an awesome way to substitute those snack foods.

The recipe make fifteen 100-calorie servings. I broke mine into pieces and sealed them in Ziploc baggies. Voila! My very own 100-calorie snack packs.

Also, I tried a few "flavors" by using cinnamon and sugar on a few and poppy seeds on others. I forgot about the sesame seeds in the freezer or I would have used them too. Next time. Sadly, I also have a powdered nacho cheese popcorn flavoring that I'm tempted to use too! I might even try to make then into itty-bitty crackers next time. Fun!

I only used 2/3 of the dough and froze the rest. Too bad I didn't know about this before the Stupor Bowl. That would have mitigate a couple of damages.

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