Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Heart Hungry Girl

Me with Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien
Most nights that include a coat check tend to be pretty amazing but tonight also had cocktails, calorie-friendly munchies, and Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien - one of my favorite low-fat foodies - so it was amazing with sugar on top!

The evening started with a Nervous Natalie arriving at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center not knowing what to expect. I entered the revolving doors and was bombarded by women dressed in varying shades of red (in honor of heart health month), a red carpet and flash bulbs. Yes, flash bulbs. They really created quite a scene for this Girls Night In fundraiser!

I scoped out the scene, checked my coat (I rarely go to places with a coat check, so when the option is there, I'm all about it!) and then bypassed the cocktail bar (hello wasted calories!) and went to find my table.

It was at Table 66 that I met some lovely ladies from my area who all shared a love of Hungry Girl, food, and safe ways to eat the foods we love. We talked Weight Watchers and our fave HG recipes. We discussed swaps and talked about how much weight we'd lost. I was pretty much in heaven. The loved the idea of grilled cactus. And you know all the nutrition stats I bore you with? They ate it up like - well - like chocolate cake!

Then, suddenly, there she was! She just dropped by the table to say hi and thank us for being fans. Thank us? Are you kidding me? We couldn't stop thanking her! The entire evening was full of an energy I can't describe. I was on the verge of tears most of, thrilled to be one of the few who was lucky enough to attend. "They" said she received more than a thousand emails from people hoping to win the contest - and I was one of the lucky 10. I still can't believe.

I feel like I have been rewarded for my will power and diligence over the past year. I just feel so lucky and blessed to have been part of it!!!

We were treated to a 3-course meal made from the Hungry Girl books.

First was her Lucky Four-Leaf Salad with Feta and Apples and Cheesy-Good Cornbread Muffins (not as good as mine, but not bad).

Then, it was on to Glaze-of-Sunshine Apricot Chicken, BBQ Mango Tilapia, Too-EZ Mac 'n Cheese (holy awesome, Batman!) and Mostly Roasted Veggie Explosion.

Finally, we were served to mini portions of Holy Moly Cannoli Cones, Blask Forest Fillo-Cups (BFFs), and S'mores Krispymello Treat (HELLO AMAZING).

After dinner we were treated to Hungry Girl herself and got to hear her talk about her motivations and hear some first-hand tips. I took notes for y'all and am going to blog about those in the morning so that they don't get lost in this long post.

One of my favorite parts of the evening was after I told the women at the table about this blog. They all pulled out their cell phones and typed in our URL and checked out 50n50. Yay! Then, in a later conversation with one my fellow award-winners, she said "How much did you lose?" After I told her, she shook her head and said, "You don't look like you were ever overweight. You look like you've always been a petite girl."

What a great night!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly the calorie count for all the food they served wasn't nearly as friendly as Lisa, but it was a lot of fun getting to try the foods without having to buy the ingredients and do the work myself.

    The Mac n Cheese was so good, I'm going to have to check out making it sometime soon. I mean like whoa.

    And don't even get me started on the S'mores Krispymallow Treats. I'm half tempted to go the store NOW for the ingredients to make it!!!



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