Monday, January 24, 2011

Because it's Monday ... and you know what that means!

Have you checked out Meatless Monday yet? I blogged about it awhile back, but I thought it was time for a reminder.

I've been following the Meatless Monday Movement for a few months now and I LOVE the creativity it has brought to my meal plans, the varied foods I've eaten because of it, and the dent it's made in my pocketbook (did I just say pocketbook?). Some of the recipes I got from Meatless Monday are now a regular on my meal plans (hello Sweet Potato Burritos - minus all that cheese, of course!)

I don't just go meatless on Mondays, I've found protein-happy, meatless meals creeping into other days each week as well. This week for instance, sees me making Sweet Potato Pierogies for dinner tonight (so excited!), Eggs and Lentils for dinner tomorrow, and Mushroom Fajitas for dinner Thursday. Seriously, my grocery bill for this week was $15 LESS than usual. Just sayin'

Here is an easy recipe to kickstart your Meatless Monday Meal plan:

1 medium whole wheat tortilla
1/2 avocado
1 Tbsp chopped peanuts

Scoop avocado from skin and mash in bowl. Mix in peanuts.
Spread avocado mash on one half tortilla and fold other half to close.

Spray frying pan with non-stick spray and lightly toast the tortilla, flipping as needed. Enjoy!

Servings Per Recipe:1; Calories: 297.0; Total Fat: 18.1 g; Cholesterol: 0.0 mg; Sodium: 405.9 mg; Total Carbs: 32.5 g; Dietary Fiber: 10.4 g; Protein: 6.7 g

This recipe has been an evolving creation for me. The first time I made it, I used cheese and called it a quesadilla. Sure, it was tasty, but I decided the cheese wasn't necessary and just added more fat. Sometimes, however, I add a tablespoon of bacon bits (you can find vegetarian options) and they add a nice little flavor zap.

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