Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy trails to us

As mentioned previously, I am back in training with the Couch to 5k program. However, what I haven't lately mentioned is the break I took for the past two weeks - first because it was triple-digit hot everyday and then second to acclimate myself to my new semester routine. During that break, we all reveled as I discovered a fascination with trail running.

Here I am in the second week of classes and I'm working out my workout routine. Basically, my running days will be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays for the next couple of months. Since Kevin and I are both home by 4 on Tuesdays we've dubbed it Trail Day. Thursdays are neighborhood jog days and Saturday depends on our schedule, but we're always shooting for a trail somewhere.

Today was our first Tuesday Trail Day ...

It was also the first official run I've attempted since Aug. 12. I planned on repeating the last week I completed (Week 3), but accidentally hit the start button for Week 4 and decided, what the heck and gave it a try.


All things were in my favor: the weather was beautiful, the trail was fairly empty, and I had lovely music on the phone. The running itself wasn't so bad either! In fact, it was almost enjoyable. I got a kick out of the random dog that would run across the trail - without an owner in site. Maybe that's how dogs are in the wild?

This week's run routine involves running for 3 minutes, walking 1.5 mins, running 5 minutes then walking 2.5 minutes and repeating for a total of 16 minutes spent running and 18 spent walking (including 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down).

I started dragging in the last 2.5 minutes of my final run, but out of the brush came Kevin and Chester as part of their run! They joined me for a bit, but then ran past because I'm a lot slower. Chester was cute, however. I could tell he was torn between staying with me and going with Kevin. In the end he went with the faster choice and I finished my run in blissful solitude.

Kevin and Chester headed my way :)
Seriously, I was alone the rest of the time and loved it. I had calm music in my headphones and just took it all as an active meditation. I didn't stress about how long or how far I was running. I just focused on sidestepping the next rock in my path.

While Kevin finished his run, I chilled my the water fountain and watched the dogs playing with each other. This park - about a 20-minute drive from my house is pretty fantastic. Kevin said he and Chester both had a blast and we're pretty excited to make this part of our weekly routine.

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